How to Draw a Hand Holding a Glass]
How to Draw Hands Holding Something
Step 1
See how strong tendons are attached to the arch of the palm of your hand, and how on the back of it are grouped to straighten your fingers. The work of these tendons is amazing. They can control all the fingers at the same time, and can also control the operation of the fingers individually.
The muscles that control the tendons are in the forearm. Fortunately for the artist, the tendons are not visible because they are deep. On the back of the hand, the tendons of children and young people are hidden. In adults and the elderly, they are still visible.
Video Lesson: How to Draw Realistic Hands with a Pencil

Step 1
The next important fact: the tips of the fingers and knuckles are rounded. Two fingers lie on the sides of the line drawn in the middle of the palm. The tendons of the middle finger on the back of the palm divide it in half. It is important to note the fact that the thumb may be at right angles to the rest of the fingers.
The thumb mainly moves toward the palm (inward), and can also move toward the back, while the rest of the fingers can only move inward. When the fingers are bent, wrinkles form under the knuckles. Pay attention to the fact that on the back of the hand the bend of the knuckle is directed downward, the further the fingers bend, the steeper the bend.
Step 2
The middle finger is the main finger, from which the measurement of the palm begins. The length of this finger from its tip to the last knuckle is almost equal to half a palm. The width of the palm is slightly larger than the length of the half palm on the inside.
The first or index finger almost reaches the nail of the middle finger along its length. The ring finger is almost equal to the length of the index finger. The little finger almost reaches the highest knuckle of the ring finger.

How to Draw Palms
In the figures presented above, pay attention to the fossa of the palm and how it is determined. Also, pay attention to how the back of the palm bends. Hands will never look natural until the artist understands the distinctive, special features of the hand.
The figures show hands holding an object. A loud sound during applause is created due to the sudden air pressure between the palms, which are collected in a "cup", or simply folded together. Hands that cannot be folded are hard to draw. Learn your own hands.
Hand Drawing Foreshortenings
Here you are shown different angles of a person's hands, pay attention to the length of the finger in each angle.

How to Draw Female Hands with a Pencil
Women's hands, like the face, are significantly different from men's. In women, the bone is smaller, more refined forms and muscles, and, in general, the plans of the face and hands are more rounded.
If the middle finger along its length occupies half the length of the palm, then this characterizes the female hand. Even though the female hand is refined, it is capable of quite a strong work of the tendons at the time of grabbing something. Subtleties are added by long nails, oval.
How to Draw Female Hands from Different Angles
Step 1
You can fit several options for turning the arm at once. Mark them with an oval base and a guideline.
Step 2
Start drawing individual fingers. The next step is to draw a more detailed outline. Erase unnecessary lines, mark small folds of skin and nails. How to draw hands. With a TM pencil, shade the shadow on the brush, just try not to darken immediately. The next brush is rotated a little differently. This view can be used quite often in drawings.
Step 3
Outline the general form. Refine the drawing of your fingertips Using a sharpened pencil to draw the nails. Use a soft eraser to delete all unnecessary construction lines. Feel free to proceed to the black and white study. Now you can try to draw horizontally placed hands. As in the previous drafts, start with a general layout.
Work out the contours of the hands in detail. Using a soft pencil, you can emphasize the picture so that it looks natural. With a hard pencil, draw a shadow on the lower hand. Do the same with the top.

How to Draw Baby Hands with a Pencil
It is best to study the baby's hands on the baby itself. The main difference between the palm of an infant and the palm of an adult is that in infants the palm is relatively thinner than the fingers.
The thumb muscle and the arch of the palm are very strong in proportion. In infants, the grip force is equal to their weight. The knuckles are deep under the skin, in their place only dimples. There may be wrinkles around the wrists. The arch of the palm is much smaller than the pads at the top of the palm.
How to Draw a Hand Holding a Glass]
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